加拿大有條件開放捕撈西岸岩龍蝦加拿大農漁林業部(DAFF)的漁業管理部門宣布,2011年11月15日 至2012年1月15日 及2012年4月6-9日,每天8:00-16:00開放持有休閒漁業執照者採收及裝卸(需於16:00前卸貨完畢)岩龍蝦(WCRL);每人每天僅能採集四袋;蝦殼尺寸需長80毫米 ;捕撈關鍵字排名、採收或運送的蝦身應保持完整;每日運送WCRL上限為20隻;無論選擇車輛、漁船、飛機哪一種運輸方式,捕到WCRL的供貨者需到場並出示向郵局申請到的休閒漁業執照;漁業執照持有者才能販售WCRL。鑒於市場對龍蝦需求低落及價格下滑,加拿大聯邦及省政府投入1,800萬加幣推動拆票貼除47,000個捕龍蝦的陷阱、輔導200-300個漁業公司退出龍蝦業的新計劃,可作為慘澹經營的紐芬蘭西南及西岸龍蝦漁民最好的退場機制。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 22/2011,1 Dec. 2011)The fisheries management branch of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry 建築設計and Fisheries (DAFF) has announced the new recreational fishing season for West Coast rock lobster (WCRL). The season for 2011 will open on 15 November 2011 and close on 15 January 2012.Thereafter, the season will open again from 6 April 2012 and end 貸款on 9 April 2012. The following conditions for the WCRL recreational fishing season will apply:From 15 November 2011 to 15 January 2012, fishing will be allowed every day; from 6 April 2012 to 9 April 2012 fishing will also be allowed every day; 農地貸款recreational permit-holders collecting and landing WCRL may do so only between 08h00 - 16h00; the rock lobsters must be landed by 16:00; the bag limit has been set at four per person per day and the size restriction is 80mm carapace length; any WCRL 買房子caught, collected or transported shall be kept in a whole state; a maximum of 20 rock lobsters may be transported per day, provided persons who caught the rock lobsters are present in the vehicle, vessel, aircraft or whatever means of transport used. 酒店經紀The persons should also be in possession of their recreational rock lobster permits; no person catching WCRL with a recreational permit maysell such rock lobster; permits are obtainable from the post office. A new C$18 million programme announced by 21世紀房屋仲介the federal and provincial governments will serve as an exit strategy for some struggling lobster fishermen on the southwest and west coasts of Newfoundland. The governments are putting money towards a trap reduction programme that will reduce the 室內設計number of lobster traps by 47 000 and retire between 200 and 300 fishing enterprises. That plan comesfollowing demand and low prices for lobster.

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